1. Temple is a living testimony of the Vijayanagara Empire’s cultural richness and architectural brilliance 

2. This temple is dedicated to God Veerabhadra, a fierce manifestation of God Shiva 

3. The construction of the temple was initiated by two brothers Viranna and Virupaksha, between the 14th and 16th century 

4. There is a massive footprint carved on a stone which is considered to be Sita Devi's

5. In the Skanda Purana, there are references to this temple (Lepakshya-Papanasanah). It is referred to as one of the 108 Divya Kshetras 

6. Krishna Deva Raya the great king of the Vijayanagara Empire played a key role in the construction of this marvelous temple 

7. The name Lepakshi comes from a story where Jatayu, injured by Ravana, fell and Rama said 'Le-Pakshi,' meaning 'Rising-Bird' in Telugu.

8. During the Vijayanagara era the temple complex with large courtyards and pillared halls were used for ceremonies, performances, and gatherings.