Uma Maheswara Stotram – Surrendering to Divine Love: A Journey of Devotion to the Powerful Cosmic Parents, Shiva and Parvati

Uma Maheswara Stotram Lyrics

English Lyrics
हिंदी मंत्र
Uma Maheswara Stotram

Lyrics in English

Nama Sivabhyam, Nava Youvanabhyam
Paraspara slishta Vapurtharabhyam ।
Nagendra Kanya Vrusha Kethabhyam
Namo Nama Sankara Parvatheebhyam ॥

Nama Shivaabhyam Sarasothsavabhyam
Namaskruthabheeshta Vara Prathabhyam ।
Narayanenarchitha Padukabhyam
Namo Nama Sankara Parvatheebhyam ॥

Nama Shivaabhyam Vrusha Vahanabhyam
Virinchi Vishnveendra Su Poojithaabhyam ।
Vibhoothi Pattera Vilepanaabhyam
Namo Nama Sankara Parvatheebhyam ॥

Nama Shivaabhyam Jagadeeswarabhyam
Jagat Pathibhyabhyam, Jaya Vigrahabhyam ।
Jambhari Mukhyair Abhi Vandidabhyam
Namo Nama Sankara Parvatheebhyam ॥

Namashivaabhyam Paramoushadabhyam
Panchakshari Panjara Ranjithabhyam
Prapancha Srushti Sthithi Samhruthibhyam ।
Namo Nama Sankara Parvatheebhyam ॥

Namashivaabhyam Athi Sundarabhyam
Athyanthamasaktha Hrudambujabhyam ।
Asesha lokaika Hithamkarabhyam
Namo Nama Sankara Parvatheebhyam ॥

Namashivaabhyam Kalinasanaabhyam
Kankaala Kalyana Vapurdharaabhyam ।
Kailasa Saila Sthitha Devathabhyam
Namo Nama Sankara Parvatheebhyam ॥

Namashivaabhyam Asubapahaabhyam
Asesha Lokaika Viseshithaabhyam
Akuntithabhyam, Sruthi Samsthuthabhyam ।
Namo Nama Sankara Parvatheebhyam ॥

Namashivaabhyam Rachithabhayabhyam
Ravindu Vaiswanara Lochanabhyam ।
Rakasangabha Mukhambujabhyam
Namo Nama Sankara Parvatheebhyam ॥

Namashivaabhyam Jana Mohanabhyam
Jara Mruthi Thrasa Vivarjithabhyam ।
Janardhanabjod Bhava Poojithabhyam
Namo Nama Sankara Parvatheebhyam ॥

Namashivaabhyam Vishamekshanabhyam
Bilwachhadhamallikadhama Brudbhyam ।
Shobhavathi Santhavatheeswarabhyam
Namo Nama Sankara Parvatheebhyam ॥

Namashivaabhyam Pasupalakabhyam
Jagathrayee Rakshana Badha Hrudhbhyam ।
Samastha Devasura Poojithabhyam
Namo Nama Sankara Parvatheebhyam ॥

Sthothram Trisandhyam Shiva Paravatheebhyam
Bakthya Patethdwadasaka Naro ya ।
Sa Sarva Sowbhagya Phalani Bunkthe
Sathayuranthe Shivalokamethi ॥

॥ Ithi Shri Uma Maheswara Stotram Sampoornam ॥

हिंदी मंत्र

॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥

नमः शिवाभ्यां नवयौवनाभ्यां
परस्पराश्लिष्टवपुर्धराभ्याम् ।
नमो नमः शङ्करपार्वतीभ्याम् ॥

नमः शिवाभ्यां सरसोत्सवाभ्यां
नमस्कृताभीष्टवरप्रदाभ्याम् ।
नमो नमः शङ्करपार्वतीभ्याम् ॥

नमः शिवाभ्यां वृषवाहनाभ्यां
विरिञ्चिविष्ण्विन्द्रसुपूजिताभ्याम् ।
नमो नमः शङ्करपार्वतीभ्याम् ॥

नमः शिवाभ्यां जगदीश्वराभ्यां
जगत्पतिभ्यां जयविग्रहाभ्याम् ।
नमो नमः शङ्करपार्वतीभ्याम् ॥

नमः शिवाभ्यां परमौषधाभ्यां
पञ्चाक्षरीपञ्जररञ्जिताभ्याम् ।
नमो नमः शङ्करपार्वतीभ्याम् ॥

नमः शिवाभ्यामतिसुन्दराभ्यां
अत्यन्तमासक्तहृदम्बुजाभ्याम् ।
नमो नमः शङ्करपार्वतीभ्याम् ॥

नमः शिवाभ्यां कलिनाशनाभ्यां
कङ्कालकल्याणवपुर्धराभ्याम् ।
नमो नमः शङ्करपार्वतीभ्याम् ॥

नमः शिवाभ्यामशुभापहाभ्यां
अशेषलोकैकविशेषिताभ्याम् ।
अकुण्ठिताभ्यां स्मृतिसम्भृताभ्यां
नमो नमः शङ्करपार्वतीभ्याम् ॥

नमः शिवाभ्यां रथवाहनाभ्यां
रवीन्दुवैश्वानरलोचनाभ्याम् ।
नमो नमः शङ्करपार्वतीभ्याम् ॥

नमः शिवाभ्यां जटिलन्धराभ्यां
जरामृतिभ्यां च विवर्जिताभ्याम् ।
नमो नमः शङ्करपार्वतीभ्याम् ॥

नमः शिवाभ्यां विषमेक्षणाभ्यां
बिल्वच्छदामल्लिकदामभृद्भ्याम् ।
नमो नमः शङ्करपार्वतीभ्याम् ॥

नमः शिवाभ्यां पशुपालकाभ्यां
जगत्रयीरक्षणबद्धहृद्भ्याम् ।
नमो नमः शङ्करपार्वतीभ्याम् ॥

स्तोत्रं त्रिसन्ध्यं शिवपार्वतीभ्यां
भक्त्या पठेद्द्वादशकं नरो यः ।
स सर्वसौभाग्यफलानि
भुङ्क्ते शतायुरान्ते शिवलोकमेति ॥

॥ इति श्री शङ्कराचार्य कृत उमामहेश्वर स्तोत्रम ॥

About Uma Maheswara Stotram

A devotional hymn dedicated to Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, also known as Uma (another name for Parvati) and Maheswara (another name for Shiva), is the Uma Maheswara Stotram. In Hindu tradition, this stotra is highly esteemed for its profound spiritual importance. The Uma Maheswara Stotram is a potent expression of devotion that captures the close relationship between the divine couple, who are frequently worshipped as the embodiments of compassion, love, and cosmic harmony.

In Hindu culture, Lord Shiva is the god of destruction, representing the force that dissolves the cosmos to put an end to each cosmic cycle. However, this destruction is not a negative thing; rather, it is a necessary part of the cycle of creation, preservation, and disintegration that creates space for renewal and rebirth. Shiva is a householder and the personification of austerity, meditation, and abstinence. He is married to Parvati, the goddess of fertility, love, and devotion.

Goddess Parvati represents the maternal side of the divine feminine. She is the mother of the universe, the embodiment of compassion, love, and the Shakti energy that gives the universe its power. Shiva and Parvati together represent the fusion of the feminine and male forces, the dynamic equilibrium that keeps the cosmos alive. This essence can be found in the Uma Maheswara Stotram, which praises the holy couple and seeks for their blessings on spiritual development, harmony, and wealth.

The Uma Maheswara Stotram is composed of multiple passages that each praise Shiva and Parvati for their cosmic roles, compassion, and other characteristics. Devotees usually recite the stotra in order to obtain spiritual understanding, ask for protection, and call upon the grace of the heavenly pair. In addition, the Uma Maheswara Stotram is recited to clear up obstacles, encourage harmony in interpersonal relationships, and grant material goals that are in line with dharma (righteousness).

One of the key concepts of the Uma Maheswara Stotram is the unity of Shiva and Parvati, or their inseparability. They are frequently portrayed as Ardhanarishvara, a composite figure made up of half Shiva and half Parvati. The idea that the divine feminine and masculine are two facets of one reality, complimentary and necessary to one another, is emphasized by this iconography. The Uma Maheswara Stotram highlights the significance of harmony and balance in life by emphasizing that worshiping one without the other is inadequate.

Shiva is praised in the stotra as an all-powerful and kind god who is kind to his followers even though he is the destroyer. He is portrayed as the universe’s ruler, the abolition of ignorance, and the lord of all creatures. His love for Parvati acts as a check on his strength, demonstrating how compassion and love control even the mightiest forces in the cosmos.

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Uma Maheswara Stotram
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