Surya Mandala Stotram – Harnessing the Divine Power of the Sun

Surya Mandala Stotram Lyrics

English Lyrics
हिंदी मंत्र
Surya Mandala Stotram

Lyrics in English

Namostu Suryaya Sahasrarasmaye
Sahasrasakhanvita Sambhavatmane ।
Sahasrayogodbhava Bhavabhagine
Sahasrasankhyayugadharine Namah ॥

Yanmandalam Deepthikaram Visalam
Rathnaprabham Theevramanadhi Roopam ।
Daridrya Dukha Kshaya Karanam Cha
Punathu Maam Thatsavithur Varenyam ॥

Yanmandalam Devaganai Supoojitham
Viprai Sthutham, Bhavana Mukthi Kovidam ।
Tham Deva Devam Pranamami Sooryam
Punathu Maam Thatsavithur Varenyam ॥

Yanmandalm Jnanaganam Thwagamyam
Trilokhya Poojyam Trigunathma Roopam ।
SamasthaTthejo Maya Divya Roopam
Punathu Maam Thatsavithur Varenyam ॥

Yanmandalam Gudamathi Prabodham
Dharmasya Vrudhim Kuruthe Jananaam ।
Yath Sarva Papa Kshaya Karanam Cha
Punathu Maam Thatsavithur Varenyam ॥

Yanmandalam Vyadhi Vinasa Daksham
Yadrug Yaju Sama su Samprageetham ।
Prakasitham Yena Cha Bhoorbhuvaswa
Punathu Maam Thatsavithur Varenyam ॥

Yanmandalam Veda Vido Vadanthi
Gayanthi Yascharana Sidha Sangha ।
Yad Yogino Yoga Jusham Cha Sangha
Punathu Maam Thatsavithur Varenyam ॥

Yanmandalam Sarva Janeshu Poojitham
Jyothischa Kuryadiha Marthya Loke ।
Yath Kala Kalpa Kshaya Karanam Cha
Punathu Maam Thatsavithur Varenyam ॥

Yanmandalam Viswa Srujaam Prasidham
Uthpathi Raksha Pralaya Prgathbham ।
Yasmin Jagath Samharethe Akhilam Cha
Punathu Maam Thatsavithur Varenyam ॥

Yanmandalam Sarva Jagathasya Vishno
Athmaa Param Dhama Vishudha Thathwam ।
Sookshmantharai Yoga Padanugamyam
Punathu Maam Thatsavithur Varenyam ॥

Yanmandalm Veda Padhopageetham
Yad Yoginaam Yoga Padhanu Gamyam ।
Thath Sarva Vedam Pranamami Suryam
Punathu Maam Thatsavithur Varenyam ॥

Suryamandalasu Stotram Yah Pathetsatatam Narah
Sarvapapavisuddhatma Suryaloke Mahiyate ॥

॥ Iti Sri Bhavisyottarapurane Sri Krishnarjuna Samvade Surya Mandala Stotram ॥

हिंदी मंत्र

नमोऽस्तु सूर्याय सहस्ररश्मये
सहस्रशाखान्वित संभवात्मने ।
सहस्रयोगोद्भव भावभागिने
सहस्रसंख्यायुधधारिणे नमः ॥

यन्मंडलं दीप्तिकरं विशालं
रत्नप्रभं तीव्रमनादिरूपम् ।
दारिद्र्यदुःखक्षयकारणं च
पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम् ॥

यन्मंडलं देवगणैः सुपूजितं
विप्रैः स्तुतं भावनमुक्तिकोविदम् ।
तं देवदेवं प्रणमामि सूर्यं
पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम् ॥

यन्मंडलं ज्ञानघनंत्वगम्यं
त्रैलोक्यपूज्यं त्रिगुणात्मरूपम् ।
पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम् ॥

यन्मंडलं गूढमतिप्रबोधं
धर्मस्य वृद्धिं कुरुते जनानाम् ।
यत्सर्वपापक्षयकारणं च
पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम् ॥

यन्मंडलं व्याधिविनाशदक्षं
यदृग्यजुः सामसु संप्रगीतम् ।
प्रकाशितं येन च भूर्भुवः स्वः
पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम् ॥

यन्मंडलं वेदविदो वदंति
गायंति यच्चारणसिद्धसंघाः ।
यद्योगिनो योगजुषां च संघाः
पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम् ॥

यन्मंडलं सर्वजनैश्च पूजितं
ज्योतिश्च कुर्यादिह मर्त्यलोके ।
पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम् ॥

यन्मंडलं विष्णुचतुर्मुखाख्यं
यदक्षरं पापहरं जनानाम् ।
यत्कालकल्पक्षयकारणं च
पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम् ॥

यन्मंडलं विश्वसृजं प्रसिद्धं
उत्पत्तिरक्षप्रलय प्रगल्भम् ।
यस्मिन् जगत्संहरतेऽखिलं च
पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम् ॥

यन्मंडलं सर्वगतस्य विष्णोः
आत्मा परं‍धाम विशुद्धतत्त्वम् ।
पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम् ॥

यन्मंडलं वेदविदोपगीतं
यद्योगिनां योग पथानुगम्यम् ।
तत्सर्व वेद्यं प्रणमामि सूर्यं
पुनातु मां तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम् ॥

सूर्यमंडलसु स्तोत्रं यः पठेत्सततं नरः ।
सर्वपापविशुद्धात्मा सूर्यलोके महीयते ॥

॥ इति श्री भविष्योत्तरपुराणे श्री कृष्णार्जुन संवादे सूर्यमंडल स्तोत्रम् ॥

About Surya Mandala Stotram

Surya Mandala Stotram is a revered Sanskrit hymn dedicated to the Sun God, Surya. Embedded within the Bhavishya Purana, a sacred Hindu scripture, this stotra comprises eight verses that extol the Sun’s resplendent glory and cosmic significance. It is a poetic masterpiece that elevates the Sun to the status of the ultimate source of life and energy, the primordial force that sustains and governs the universe.

The Surya Mandala Stotram is more than just a hymn of praise; it is a profound philosophical exploration of the Sun’s cosmic role. It delves deep into the Sun’s multifaceted nature, portraying it as the creator, preserver, and transformer of existence. The hymn exalts the Sun’s purifying power, its ability to dispel darkness, ignorance, and suffering. It emphasizes the Sun’s omnipresence, its ability to provide life and energy to all beings, and its role in the cosmic cycle of creation, preservation, and dissolution.

By presenting the Sun as a symbol of knowledge and enlightenment, the stotra invites the devotee to contemplate their own inner light and to strive for spiritual growth. It suggests that by aligning oneself with the Sun’s radiant energy, one can purify the mind, dispel negativity, and attain a higher state of consciousness. The Surya Mandala Stotram thus becomes a powerful tool for self-transformation and spiritual evolution.

The Sun is depicted as the embodiment of knowledge, power, and compassion, bestowing its blessings upon all beings without discrimination. By contemplating the Sun’s magnificence and its role in the cosmic order, devotees are inspired to cultivate their own inner light and to strive for harmony with the divine. The Surya Mandala Stotram is believed to offer a wide range of benefits to those who chant it regularly. These blessings encompass physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Here are some of the key benefits attributed to Surya Mandala Stotram:

Physical Benefits –

  • Improved health: Regular chanting is said to boost immunity and enhance overall health.
  • Increased vitality: The stotra is believed to energize the body and alleviate fatigue.
  • Protection from diseases: It is considered a shield against various ailments and illnesses.

Mental Benefits –

  • Clarity of mind: The hymn is thought to sharpen focus and improve concentration.
  • Reduction of stress and anxiety: Regular chanting can help calm the mind and reduce mental stress.
  • Enhanced intelligence and wisdom: The stotra is believed to stimulate intellectual growth and wisdom.

Spiritual Benefits –

  • Spiritual enlightenment: The ultimate goal of chanting is to connect with the divine and attain spiritual liberation.
  • Purification of the soul: It is believed to cleanse the soul of negative energies and impurities.
  • Removal of obstacles: The stotra is said to overcome challenges and pave the way for success.
  • Prosperity and abundance: Regular chanting is believed to attract wealth and prosperity.

Overall, by chanting this stotra, devotees seek to connect with the divine energy of the Sun and invoke its blessings for well-being and spiritual upliftment.

Video Credit – Sanatana

Youtube Icon Surya Mandala Stotram Youtube Link

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