Shri Jagannath Ashtakam – Empower Your Spirit with Jagannath’s Divine Love

Shri Jagannath Ashtakam Lyrics

English Lyrics
हिंदी मंत्र
Shri Jagannath Ashtakam

Lyrics in English

Kadacit Kalindi Tata Vipina Sangitaka Ravo
Mudabhiri Nari Vadana Kamalasvada Madhupah ।
Rama Sambhu Brahmamara Pati Ganesarchita Pado
Jagannathah Swami Nayana Patha Gami Bhavatu Me ॥

Bhuje Savye Venum Shirasi Shikhi Puccham Kati Tate
Dukulam Netrante Sahachara Kataksham Vidadhate ।
Sada Srimad Vrindavana Vasati Lila Paricayo
Jagannathah Swami Nayana Patha Gami Bhavatu Me ॥

Mahambhodhe Sthire Kanaka Ruchire Nila Shikhare
Vasan Prasadantah Sahaja Balabhadrena Balina ।
Subhadra Madhya Sthah Sakala Sura Sevavasara Do
Jagannathah Swami Nayana Patha Gami Bhavatu Me ॥

Kripa Paravarah Sajala Jalada Shreni Ruchiro
Rama Vani Ramah Sphurad Amala Pankeruha Mukhah ।
Surendrair Aradhyah Sruti Gana Sikha Gita Charito
Jagannathah Swami Nayana Patha Gami Bhavatu Me ॥

Ratharudho Gacchan Pathi Milita Bhudeva Patalaih
Stuti Pradurbhavam Prati Padam Upakarnya Sadayah ।
Daya Sindhur Bandhuh Sakala Jagatam Sindhu Sutaya
Jagannathah Swami Nayana Patha Gami Bhavatu Me ॥

ParamBrahmapidah Kuvalaya Dalotphulla Nayano
Nivasi Niladrau Nihita Charano Ananta Sirasi ।
Rasanando Radha Sarasa Vapur Alingana Sukho
Jagannathah Swami Nayana Patha Gami Bhavatu Me ॥

Na Vai Yace Rajyam Na Cha Kanaka Manikya Vibhavam
Na Yache Ham Ramyam Sakala Jana Kamyam Vara Vadhum ।
Sada Kale Kale Pramatha Patina Gita Charito
Jagannathah Swami Nayana Patha Gami Bhavatu Me ॥

Hara Tvam Samsaram Druta Taram Asaram Sura Pate
Hara Tvam Papanam Vitatim Aparam Yadava Pate ।
Aho Dine Nathe Nihita Charano Niscitam Idam
Jagannathah Swami Nayana Patha Gami Bhavatu Me ॥

॥ Jagannathashtakam Punyam Yah Pathet Prayatah Shuchih
Sarva Papa Visuddhatma Vishnu Lokam Sa Gacchati ॥

॥ Iti Shreemat Shankaracharya Virachitham Shri Jagannath Ashtakam Sampoornam ॥

हिंदी मंत्र

कदाचित् कालिन्दी तटविपिन सङ्गीतकरवो
मुदाभीरीनारी वदनकमलास्वादमधुपः ।
रमाशम्भुब्रह्मा मरपतिगणेशार्चितपदो
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयनपथगामी भवतु मे ॥१॥

भुजे सव्ये वेणुं शिरसि शिखिपिच्छं कटितटे
दुकूलं नेत्रान्ते सहचर कटाक्षं विदधते ।
सदा श्रीमद्‍ वृन्दावन वसति लीला परिचयो
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयन पथ गामी भवतु मे ॥

महाम्भोधेस्तीरे कनक रुचिरे नील शिखरे
वसन् प्रासादान्तः सहज बलभद्रेण बलिना ।
सुभद्रा मध्यस्थः सकलसुर सेवावसरदो
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयन पथ गामी भवतु मे ॥

कृपा पारावारः सजल जलद श्रेणिरुचिरो
रमा वाणी रामः स्फुरद् अमल पङ्केरुहमुखः ।
सुरेन्द्रैर् आराध्यः श्रुतिगण शिखा गीत चरितो
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयन पथ गामी भवतु मे ॥

रथारूढो गच्छन् पथि मिलित भूदेव पटलैः
स्तुति प्रादुर्भावम् प्रतिपदमुपाकर्ण्य सदयः ।
दया सिन्धुर्बन्धुः सकल जगतां सिन्धु सुतया
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयन पथ गामी भवतु मे ॥

परंब्रह्मापीड़ः कुवलय दलोत्‍फुल्ल नयनो
निवासी नीलाद्रौ निहित चरणोऽनन्त शिरसि ।
रसानन्दी राधा सरस वपुरालिङ्गन सुखो
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयन पथगामी भवतु मे ॥

न वै याचे राज्यं न च कनक माणिक्य विभवं
न याचेऽहं रम्यां सकल जन काम्यां वरवधूम् ।
सदा काले काले प्रमथ पतिना गीतचरितो
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयन पथ गामी भवतु मे ॥

हर त्वं संसारं द्रुततरम् असारं सुरपते
हर त्वं पापानां विततिम् अपरां यादवपते ।
अहो दीनेऽनाथे निहित चरणो निश्चितमिदं
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयन पथ गामी भवतु मे ॥

॥ जगन्नाथाष्टकं पुन्यं यः पठेत् प्रयतः शुचिः
सर्वपाप विशुद्धात्मा विष्णुलोकं स गच्छति ॥

॥ इति श्रीमत् शंकराचार्यविरचितं जगन्नाथाष्टकं संपूर्णम् ॥

About Shri Jagannath Ashtakam

Adi Shankaracharya wrote the devotional hymn Shri Jagannath Ashtakam, which is devoted to Lord Jagannath, a manifestation of Lord Vishnu who is mostly worshipped in the Indian state of Odisha. The hymn praises the splendor, heavenly beauty, and grace of Lord Jagannath in eight verses (ashtakam signifies eight). Lord Jagannath is depicted in the Ashtakam as the supreme, the sea of kindness, and the ultimate haven for everyone. It presents Him as the epitome of grace, love, and kindness. The passages depict the Lord’s heavenly form, His residence on the Nilachal Hill, and His pastimes in great detail.


  • Divine Glory: The Ashtakam emphasizes Lord Jagannath’s omnipresence and omniscience, underscoring his elevated position.
  • Mercy and Compassion: It presents the Lord as the personification of kindness and compassion, constantly prepared to encourage those who follow Him.
  • Devotion and Surrender: Seekers are encouraged by the Ashtakam to seek refuge in the lotus feet of the Lord, which encourages profound devotion and surrender to Him.

It is said that reciting the Shri Jagannath Ashtakam has several spiritual advantages, such as:

  • Soul purification: Recitation on a regular basis rids the heart and intellect of pollutants.
  • Elimination of hurdles: It is thought to get over obstacles and hardships in life.
  • Granting of desires: It is believed that the Ashtakam satisfies the rightful wishes of followers.
  • Achieving liberation: In the end, it is supposed to result in freedom from the cycle of life and death.

For generations, devotees have been captivated with the powerful and inspiring prayer – Shri Jagannath Ashtakam. It never fails to arouse deep respect and admiration for Lord Jagannath. Many seekers have found the Shri Jagannath Ashtakam to be an enduring source of comfort, direction, and inspiration due to its lyrical beauty and profound spiritual truths.

It offers hope and encouragement amid life’s obstacles by serving as a reminder of the divine compassion and kindness that pervade all existence. A powerful connection to the divine and a life-changing spiritual journey can be experienced by immersing oneself in the Shri Jagannath Ashtakam sacred lyrics.

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