Navagraha Stotram

Navagraha Stotram Lyrics

English Lyrics
हिंदी मंत्र
Navagraha Stotram

॥ Navagraha Dhyana Shlokam ॥

Adityaya Cha Somaya Mangalaya Budhaya Cha ।
Guru Sukra Shanibhyascha Rahave Ketave Namah ॥

Surya / Sun

Japaa Kusuma Sankaasham Kaashyapeyam Mahaadyuthim
Thamourim Sarva Paapaghanam Pranathosmi Dhiwaakaram ॥

Chandra / Moon

Dadhi Shankha Thushaaraabham Ksheero Daarnava Sambhavam
Namaami Shashinam Somam Shambhor Makuta Bhooshanam ॥

Mangal / Mars

Dharanee Garbha Sambhootham Vidhyuth Kaanthi Samaprabham
Kumaaram Shakthi Hasthancha Mangalam Pranamaamyaham ॥

Budh / Mercury

Piryangu Kali Kaashyaamam Roopenaa Prathimam Budham
Sowmyam Sowmya Gunopetham – Tham Bhudham Pranamaamyaham ॥

Guru / Jupiter

Dhevaanaancha Risheenaam Cha Gurum Kaanchan Sannibham
Bhudhdhi Bhootham Thrilokesham – Thannamaami Bhruhaspathim ॥

Sukra / Venus

Hima Kundha Mrunaalaabham Dhaithyaanam Paramam Gurum
Sarva Shaasthra Pravruththaaram Bhaargavam Pranamaamyaham ॥

Shani / Saturn

Neelaanchana Samaabhaasam Raviputhram Yamaagrajam
Chaayaa Maarthanda Sambhootham Thannamaami Shanaicharam ॥

Rahu / North Node of the Moon

Ardha Kaayam Mahaaveeryam Chandhraadhithya Vimardhanam
Simhikaagarbha Sambhootham Tham Raahum Pranamaamyaham ॥

Ketu / South Node of the Moon

Palaasha Pushpa Sankaasham Thaarakagraha Masthakam
Rowdhram Rowdhraathmakam Ghoram Tham Kethum Pranamaamyaham ॥

Phala Sruthi

Iti Shri Vyaasamukhod Giitam Yah: Pathet Susamaahitah
Divaa Vaa Yadi Vaa Raatrau Vighna Shantir Bhavishyati ॥

Naranaarii Nrupaanaam Cha Bhaved Duh:Svapna Naashanam
Aishvaryamatulam Teshaam Aarogyam Pushtivardhanam ॥

Graha Nakshatrajaa Piidaastaskaraagni Samudbhavaah:
Taah: Sarvaah: Prashamam Yaanti Vyaaso Bruute Na Samshayah ॥

॥ Iti Shri Vyaasavirachitam Navagraha Stotram Sampurnam ॥

नवग्रह स्तोत्रम् हिंदी में

॥ नवग्रह ध्यान श्लोकम् ॥

आदित्याय च सोमाय मङ्गळाय बुधाय च |
गुरु शुक्र शनिभ्यश्च राहवे केतवे नमः ‖
अथ नवग्रहस्तोत्रम्। श्री गणेशाय नमः।


जपाकुसुमसङ्काशं काश्यपेयं महदद्युतिम्।
तमोरिं सर्वपापघ्नं प्रणतोSस्मि दिवाकरम् ॥


दधिशङ्खतुषाराभं क्षीरोदार्णवसम्भवम्।
नमामि शशिनं सोमं शम्भोर्मुकुटभूषणम् ॥


धरणीगर्भसम्भूतं विद्युत्कान्तिसमप्रभम्।
कुमारं शक्तिहस्तं च मङ्गलं प्रणमाम्यहम् ॥


प्रियङ्गुकलिकाश्यामं रूपेणाप्रतिमं बुधम्।
सौम्यं सौम्यगुणोपेतं तं बुधं प्रणमाम्यहम् ॥


देवानाञ्च ऋषीणां च गुरुं काञ्चनसन्निभम्।
बुद्धिभूतं त्रिलोकेशं तं नमामि बृहस्पतिम् ॥


हिमकुन्दमृणालाभं दैत्यानां परमं गुरुम्।
सर्वशास्त्रप्रवक्तारं भार्गवं प्रणमाम्यहम् ॥


नीलाञ्जनसमाभासं रविपुत्रं यमाग्रजम्।
छायामार्तण्डसम्भूतं तं नमामि शनैश्चरम् ॥


अर्धकायं महावीर्यं चन्द्रादित्यविमर्दनम्।
सिंहिकागर्भसम्भूतं तं राहुं प्रणमाम्यहम् ॥


पलाशपुष्पसङ्काशं तारकाग्रहमस्तकम्।
रौद्रं रौद्रात्मकं घोरं तं केतुं प्रणमाम्यहम् ॥


इति श्रीव्यासमुखोग्दीतम् यः पठेत् सुसमाहितः।
दिवा वा यदि वा रात्रौ विघ्नशान्तिर्भविष्यति ॥

नरनारीनृपाणां च भवेत् दुःस्वप्ननाशनम्।
ऐश्वर्यमतुलं तेषाम् आरोग्यं पुष्टिवर्धनम् ॥

ग्रहनक्षत्रजाः पीडास्तस्कराग्निसमुद्भवा:।
ता: सर्वाः प्रशमं यान्ति व्यासो ब्रूते न संशयः ॥

॥ इति श्रीवेदव्यासविरचितम् आदित्यादिनवग्रहस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ॥

About Navagraha Stotram

The nine celestial bodies (Navagrahas) in Hindu astrology—Surya (Sun), Chandra (Moon), Mangal (Mars), Budh (Mercury), Guru (Jupiter), Shukra (Venus), Shani (Saturn), Rahu (North Lunar Node), and Ketu (South Lunar Node)—are honored in the devotional writing known as the Navagraha Stotram. The stotram is recited to please these planetary deities and lessen any potential negative consequences that these grahas, who are thought to have a significant impact on human lives, may have.

It is frequently used to improve astrological problems and fill one’s life with harmony and wealth. The Sanskrit-written stotram is often performed during puja rituals or on specific astrological days.

Key Themes of Navagraha Stotram:

  • Prayer and Praise: The stotram dedicates each of its nine verses to a different planet. The prayer praises the attributes of the deity and their place in the universe from the beginning.
  • Calming Negative Impacts: Reciting the stotram can help lessen the negative impacts of specific planetary arrangements in one’s horoscope. It is thought to offer harmony, balance, and protection from bad luck.
  • Increasing Beneficial Effects: The stotram aims to balance the negative impacts of the planets while simultaneously enhancing their favorable effects, which include success, prosperity, health, and well-being.
  • Relation to Astrology: In Vedic astrology, the Navagrahas are very important since it is believed that the placements of these celestial bodies influence an individual’s life events at the time of their birth. One can spiritually link themselves with the cosmic powers by reciting the stotram.
  • Spiritual Development: Chanting the Navagraha Stotram is also regarded as a way to advance one’s spirituality since it harmonizes one’s energies with the cosmic forces, creating inner clarity and tranquility.

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Also Chant: Shri Hari Sharanashtakam
Navagraha Stotram

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