Gangashtakam – For Profound Spiritual Liberation, Ultimate Peace, and Abundant Prosperity

Gangashtakam Lyrics

English Lyrics
हिंदी मंत्र

Lyrics in English

Bhagavati Tava Tire Niramatrashanoaham
Vigatavishayatrishnah Krishnamaradhayami ।
Sakalakalushabhange Svargasopanasange
Taralataratarange Devi Gange Prasida ॥

Bhagavati Bhavalilamaulimale Tavambhah
Kanamanuparimanam Pranino Ye Sprishanti ।
Vigatakalikalankatankamanke Luthanti ॥

Brahmandam Khandayanti Harashirasi Jatavallimullasayanti
Swarlokadapatanti Kanakagiriguhaganda-shailatskhalanti ।
Kshoniprishthe Luthanti Duritachayachamunirbharam Bhartsayanti
Pathodhim Purayanti Suranagarasaritpavani Nah Punatu ॥

Snanaiah Siddhangananam Kuchayugavigalatkunkumasangapingam ।
Sayampratarmuninam Kushakusumachayaish-chhannatirasthaniram
Payanno Gangamambhah Karikalabhakarakrantaranhastarangam ॥

Aadavadipitamahasya Niyamavyaparapatre Jalam
Pashchatpannagashayino Bhagavatah Padodakam Pavanam ।
Bhuyah Shambhujatavibhushana-manirjahnormaharsheriyam
Kanya Kalmashanashini Bhagavati Bhagirathi Drishyate ॥

Shailendradavatarini Nijajale Majjajjanottarini
Paravaraviharini Bhavabhayashreni-samutsarini ।
Sheshaheranukarini Harashirovallidalakarini
Kashiprantaviharini Vijayate Ganga Manoharini ॥

Kuto Vichirvichistava Yadi Gata Lochanapatham
Tvamapita Pitambarapuranivasam Vitarasi ।
Tvadutsange Gange Patati Yadi Kayastanubhritam
Tada Matah Shatakratavapadala-bhoapyatilaghuh ॥

Gange Trailokyasare Sakalasurava-dhudhautavi-stirnatoye
Purnabrahmasvarupe Haricharanarajoharini Swargamarge ।
Prayashchittam Yadi Syattava Jalakanika Brahmahatyadipape
Kastvam Stotum Samarthastrijagadaghahare Devi Gange Prasida ॥

Matarjahnavi Shambhusangavalite Maulau Nidhayanjalim
Tvattire Vapushoavasanasamaye Narayananghridvayam ।
Sanandam Smarato Bhavishyati Mama Pranaprayanotsave
Bhuyadbhaktiravichyuta-hariharadvaitatmika Shashvati ॥

Gangashtakamidam Punyam Yah Pathetprayato Narah ।
Sarvapapavinirmukto Vishnulokam Sa Gachchhati ॥

हिंदी मंत्र

भगवति तव तीरे नीरमात्राशनोऽहं विगतविषयतृष्ण: कृष्णमाराधयामि ।
सकलकलुषभंगे स्वर्गसोपानसंगे तरलतरतरंगे देवि गंगे प्रसीद ॥

भगवति भवलीलामौलिमाले तवाम्भ:कणमणुपरिमाणं प्राणिनो ये स्प्रशन्ति ।
अमरनगरनारीचामरग्राहिणीनां विगतकलिकलंकातंकमंके लुठन्ति ॥

ब्रह्माण्डं खण्डयन्ती हरशिरसि जटावल्लिमुल्लासयन्ती स्वर्लोकादापतन्ती कनकगिरिगुहागंडशैलात्स्खलन्ती ।
क्षोणीपृष्ठे लुठन्ती दुरितचयचमूर्नीर्भरं भत्र्सयन्ती पाथोधिं पूरयन्ती सुरनगरसरित्पावनी न: पुनातु ॥

मज्जन्मातंगकुम्भच्युतमदमदिरामोदमत्तालिजालं स्नानै: सिद्धांगनानां कुचयुगविगलत्कुंकुमासंगपिंगम् ।
सायंप्रातर्मुनीनां कुशकुसुमचयैश्छन्नतीरस्थनीरं पायान्नो गांगमम्भ: करिकलभकराक्रान्तरंहस्तरंगम् ॥

आदावादिपितामह्स्य नियमव्यापारपात्रे जलं पश्चात्पन्नगशायिनो भगवत: पादोदकं पावनम् ।
भूय: शम्भुजटाविभूषणमणिर्जहनोर्महर्षेरियं कन्या कल्मषनाशिनी भगवती भागीरथी दृश्यते ॥

शैलेंद्रादवतारिणी निजजले मज्जज्जनोत्तारिणी पारावारविहारिणी भवभयश्रेणीसमुत्सारिणी ।
शेषाहेरनुकारिणी हरशिरोवल्लीदलाकारिणी काशीप्रान्तविहारिणी विजयते गंगा मनोहारिणी ॥

कुतो वीचिर्वीचिस्तव यदि गता लोचनपथं त्वमापीता पीताम्बरपुरनिवासं वितरसि ।
त्वदुत्संगे गंगे पतति कायस्तनुभ्रतां तदा मात: शातक्रतवपदलाभोऽप्यतिलघु: ॥

गंगे त्रैलोक्यसारे सकलसुरवधूधौतविस्तीर्णतोये पूर्णब्रह्मस्वरूपे हरिचरणजोहारिणी स्वर्गमार्गे ।
प्रायश्चित्तं यदि स्यात्तव जलकणिका ब्रह्महत्यादिपापे कस्त्वां स्तोतुं समर्थस्त्रिजगदघहरे देवि गंगे प्रसीद ॥

मातर्जाहनवि शम्भुसंगवलिते मौलौ निधायाञ्जलिं त्वत्तीरे वपुषोऽवसानसमये नारायणांगघ्रिद्वयम् ।
सानन्दं स्मरतो भविष्यति मम प्राणप्रयाणोत्सवे भूयाद्भक्तिरविच्युताहरिहराद्वैतात्मिका शाश्वती ॥

गंगाष्टकमिदं पुण्यं य: पठेत्प्रयतो नर: ।
सर्वपापविनिर्मुक्तो विष्णुलोकं स गच्छति ॥

About Gangashtakam

Gangashtakam is a beautiful hymn written by Shri Adi Shankaracharya filled with deep reverence and devotion towards the holy river Ganga.

The Ganga Ashtakam is a devotional hymn dedicated to the Holy River Ganga, composed by the Shri Adi Shankaracharya. The Ashtakam conveys deep reverence for the holy river, highlighting her spiritual significance in Hinduism.

In the Ganga Ashtakam, Shri Adi Shankaracharya personifies the Ganga River, praising her purity and her role in the process of spiritual cleansing. The Gangashtakam reflects themes of devotion, the transformative power of holy Ganga, and the river’s ability to wash away sins and grant moksha (liberation). The Gangashtakam is traditionally attributed to Adi Shankara, one of the most influential philosophers and theologians in Hinduism. However, there are other versions attributed to Valmiki as well. Regardless of the author, the hymn has become a revered part of Hindu devotional practices.

The Holy Ganga is often viewed as a motherly figure in Hinduism, and in the Ashtakam she is called upon for help, guidance, and blessings. The Gangashtakam is recited by devotees for its spiritual benefits and to express their devotion to the holy River Ganga. Ganga, according to Hindu mythology, is believed to have descended from heaven to cleanse the Earth of sins and to provide salvation. The river’s descent is a pivotal event in cosmic history, marking a turning point in the spiritual evolution of humanity. Ganga is not merely a river, but a divine entity, a manifestation of the primordial cosmic waters.

As she descended, her purifying touch transformed the Earth, cleansing it of impurities and preparing it for the descent of the gods. The Gangashtakam captures this divine essence, describing the river as a celestial being, purifying everything she touches. The hymn evokes a sense of wonder and reverence for Ganga’s transformative power, inviting devotees to partake in her sacred waters, both physically and spiritually.

Gangashtakam is a beautiful expression of love and reverence for one of India’s most sacred rivers, encapsulating the connection between nature and spirituality in Hindu philosophy.

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Also Chant: Shiva Ashtakam
Gangashtakam 2
Temple Trails
Temple Trails
Articles: 49

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