Mookambika Ashtakam – Invocation of the Divine Energy of Mookambika

Mookambika Ashtakam Lyrics

English Lyrics
हिंदी मंत्र
Mookambika Ashtakam

Lyrics in English

Namaste Jagaddhaatri Sadbrahmaroope
Namaste Haropendradhaatraadivandye ।
Namaste Prapannesht’adaanaikadakshe
Namaste Mahaalakshmi Kolaapureshi ॥

Vidhih’ Kri’ttivaasaa Harirvishvametat-
Sri’jatyatti Paateeti Yattatprasiddham ।
Kri’paalokanaadeva Te Shaktiroope
Namaste Mahaalakshmi Kolaapureshi ॥

Tvayaa Maayayaa Vyaaptametatsamastam’
Dhri’tam’ Leelaya Devi Kukshau Hi Vishvam ।
Sthitham’ Buddhiroopena Sarvatra Jantau
Namaste Mahaalakshmi Kolaapureshi ॥

Yayaa Bhaktavargaa Hi Lakshyanta Ete
Tvayaa’tra Prakaamam’ Kri’paapoornadri’sht’yaa ।
Ato Geeyase Devi Lakshmeeriti Tvam’
Namaste Mahaalakshmi Kolaapureshi ॥

Punarvaakpat’utvaadiheenaa Hi Mookaa
Naraistairnikaamam’ Khalu Praarthyase Yat ।
Nijesht’aaptaye Tena Mookaambikaa Tvam’
Namaste Mahaalakshmi Kolaapureshi ॥

Samutthaa Punarvishvaleelodyamasthaa ।
Tadaahurjanaastvaam’ Cha Gaureem’ Kumaareem’
Namaste Mahaalakshmi Kolaapureshi ॥

Hareshaadi Dehotthatejomayapra-
Sphurachchakraraajaakhyalingasvaroope ।
Namaste Mahaalakshmi Kolaapureshi ॥

Namah’ Shankhachakraabhayaabheesht’ahaste
Namaste’mbike Gauri Padmaasanasthe ।
Namah’ Svarnavarne Prasanne Sharanye
Namaste Mahaalakshmi Kolaapureshi ॥

Idam’ Stotraratnam’ Kri’tam’ Sarvadevai-
Rhri’di Tvaam’ Samaadhaaya Lakshmyasht’akam’ Yah’ ।
Pat’hennityamesha Vrajatyaashu Lakshmeem’
Sa Vidyaam’ Cha Satyam’ Bhavettatprasaadaat ॥

॥ Iti Shreemookaambikaasht’akam’ Sampoornam ॥

हिंदी मंत्र

नमस्ते जगद्धात्रि सद्ब्रह्मरूपे
नमस्ते हरोपेन्द्रधात्रादिवन्द्ये ।
नमस्ते प्रपन्नेष्टदानैकदक्षे
नमस्ते महालक्ष्मि कोलापुरेशि ॥

विधिः कृत्तिवासा हरिर्विश्वमेतत्
सृजत्यत्तिपातीतियत्तद्प्रसिद्धं ।
कृपावलोकनादेव ते शक्तिरूपे
नमस्ते महालक्ष्मि कोलापुरेशि ॥

त्वया मायया व्याप्तमेतत्समस्तं
द्रुतं लीलया देवि कुक्षौ हि विश्वम् ।
स्थितां बुद्धिरूपेण सर्वत्र जन्तौ
नमस्ते महालक्ष्मि कोलापुरेशि ॥3॥

यया भक्तवर्गा हि लक्ष्यन्त एते
त्वयाऽत्र प्रकामं कृपापूर्णदृष्ट्या ।
अतो गीयसे देवि लक्ष्मीरिति त्वम्
नमस्ते महालक्ष्मि कोलापुरेशि ॥

पुनर्वाक्पटुत्वादिहीना हि मूका
नरैस्तैर्निकामं खलु प्रार्थ्यसे यत् ।
निजेष्टाप्तये तेन मूकाम्बिका त्वं
नमस्ते महालक्ष्मि कोलापुरेशि ॥

समुत्था पुनर्विश्वलीलोद्यमस्था ।
तदाहुर्जनास्त्वां च गौरी कुमारी
नमस्ते महालक्ष्मि कोलापुरेशि ॥

हरेशादि देहोत्थतेजोमयप्र-
स्फुरच्चक्रराजाख्यलिङ्गस्वरूपे ।
महायोगि कोलर्षि हृत्पद्मगेहे
नमस्ते महालक्ष्मि कोलापुरेशि ॥

नमः शंखचक्राभयाभीष्टहस्ते
नमस्तेऽम्बिके गौरि पद्मासनस्थे ।
नमः स्वर्णवर्णे प्रसन्ने शरण्ये
नमस्ते महालक्ष्मि कोलापुरेशि ॥

इदं स्तोत्ररत्नं कृतं सर्वदेवै-
र्हृदि त्वां समाधाय लक्ष्म्यष्टकं यः ।
पठेन्नित्यमेष व्रजत्याशु लक्ष्मीं
स विद्यां च सत्यं भवेत्तत्प्रसादात् ॥

॥ इति श्री मूकाम्बिका अष्टकम् सम्पूर्णम् ॥

About Mookambika Ashtakam

The Shri Mookambika Ashtakam is devoted to Goddess Mookambika, who is mainly worshipped at the Mookambika Temple in Kollur, Karnataka. This Ashtakam was composed by Shri Adi Shankaracharya. Eight stanzas make up the hymn (hence the title “Ashtakam”), each of which extols the virtues, abilities, and blessings of Goddess Mookambika. It praises the goddess’s divine attributes, her power to protect devotees, and her role as the universal mother.

Key Themes and Meanings:

  • Divine Mother: The Mookambika Ashtakam emphasizes Goddess Mookambika’s nurturing and compassionate nature, comparing her to a mother who protects and guides her children.
  • Supreme Power: It praises her as the supreme power of the universe, capable of destroying evil and bestowing blessings upon her devotees.
  • Knowledge and Wisdom: The hymn associates the goddess with knowledge and wisdom, suggesting that she is the source of all understanding.
  • Protection from Evil: It invokes Goddess Mookambika’s power to protect devotees from harm and evil forces.

Deep gratitude to Goddess Mookambika is expressed in the Shri Mookambika Ashtakam, which recognizes her as the Absolute-Powerful Mother, the Source of All Knowledge, and the Guardian of Her devotees. Each stanza combines worship, respect, and a sincere request for divine assistance, as a meditation on a particular aspect of the Goddess.

Goddess Mookambika is often portrayed as a calm, caring woman holding a book and a lotus blossom. The book stands for wisdom and knowledge, and the lotus for purity and enlightenment. The term “Mookambika,” which means “the silent one,” refers to the goddess’s capacity to transcend cognition and speech boundaries. The eight verses that make up the Mookambika Ashtakam each highlight a distinct aspect of Goddess Mookambika. The hymn invokes the goddess’s ability to keep believers safe, offer knowledge and wisdom, and provide them with spiritual enlightenment. It also praises her as the ultimate force in the cosmos, able to banish evil and shower blessings on her devotees.

Video Credit – Kavalam Srikumar

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Also Chant: Aditya Hrudayam
Mookambika Ashtakam 2

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