Sri Maheswara Pancharatna Stotram – Celestial Chant for Ultimate Liberation

Sri Maheswara Pancharatna Stotram Lyrics

English Lyrics
हिंदी मंत्र
Sri Maheswara Pancharatna Stotram

Lyrics in English

Prathasmaraami Parameshwara Vaktrapadmam
Phaala Kshikeela Parishoshitha Panchabaanam ।
Bhasma Tribuntra Rachitam Panikundalatyam
Kundaenthu Chandhana Sudharasa Manthahaasam ॥

Pratharbhajaami Parameswara Bahudandaan
Khatvanga Shoola Harinaahi Pinaaka Yukthaan ।
Gowri Kapola Kujaranjhitha Patrarekhaan
Sowvarna Kangana Manithyuthi Bhaasamaanaan ॥

Pratharnamaami Parameswara Paadapadmam
Padmothbhavamara Muneendra Mano Nivaasam ।
Pamaksha Naetra Saraseeruha Poojaneeyam
Padmankusha Dhwaja Saroruha Lanchanadhyam ॥

Pratah Smarami Parameswara Punyamoorthim
Karpoora Kuntha Dhavalam Gajacharma Chelam ।
Gangaadharam Ghanakapardi Vibhaasamanam
Kathyaayani Thanu Vibhooshitha Vaamabhaagam ॥

Pratah Smarami Parameswara Punya Naamam
Shreyah Pradam Sakaladukha Vinaashah Haethum ।
Samsaara Thaapa Shamanam Kali Kalmashaghnam
Go Koti Daana Phalatham Smaranena Pumsaam ॥

Sripancharatnani Mahesvarasya
Bhaktya Pathedyah Prayatah Prabhathe ।
Ayushya Arogyam Anekabhogaan
Prapnoti Kaivalyapadam Durapam ॥

॥ Iti Shri Shankara Bhagavat Rachita Sri Maheswara Pancharatna Stotram Sampoornam ॥

हिंदी मंत्र

प्रातः स्मरामि परमेश्वरवक्त्रपद्मं
फालाक्षिकीलपरिशोषितपञ्चबाणम् ।
भस्मत्रिपुण्ड्ररचितं फणिकुण्डलाढ्यं
कुन्देन्दुचन्दनसुधारसमन्दहासम् ॥

प्रातर्भजामि परमेश्वरबाहुदण्डान्
खट्वाङ्गशूलहरिणाहिपिनाकयुक्तान् ।
सौवर्णकङ्कणमणिद्युतिभासमानान् ॥

प्रातर्नमामि परमेश्वरपादपद्मं
पद्मोद्भवामरमुनीन्द्रमनोनिवासम् ।
पद्माक्षनेत्रसरसीरुह पूजनीयं
पद्माङ्कुशध्वजसरोरुहलाञ्छनाढ्यम् ॥

प्रातः स्मरामि परमेश्वरपुण्यमूर्ति
कर्पूरकुन्दधवलं गजचर्मचेलम् ।
गङ्गाधरं घनकपर्दिविभासमानं
कात्यायनीतनुविभूषितवामभागम् ॥

प्रातः स्मरामि परमेश्वरपुण्यनाम
श्रेयः प्रदं सकलदुःखविनाशहेतुम् ।
संसारतापशमनं कलिकल्मषघ्नं
गोकोटिदानफलदं स्मरणेन पुंसाम् ॥

श्रीपञ्चरत्नानि महेश्वरस्य
भक्त्या पठेद्यः प्रयतः प्रभाते ।
प्राप्नोति कैवल्यपदं दुरापम् ॥

॥ इति श्रीमच्छङ्कराचार्य कृतं महेश्वर पञ्चरत्न स्तोत्रम् सम्पूर्णम् ॥

About Sri Maheswara Pancharatna Stotram

A beautiful and holy hymn to the supreme Lord Shiva, one of the foremost gods in the Hindu religion, is the Sri Maheswara Pancharatna Stotram. Translation: “five gems” is what “Pancharatna” means, indicating the stotram’s extraordinary worth and brightness. This beautiful hymn is a lyrical masterpiece that takes special attention to highlight a different aspect of Shiva’s holy appearance and qualities in each verse.

The Sri Maheswara Pancharatna Stotram opens with a beautiful depiction of God Shiva’s face, covered in cremated sacred ashes and wearing a calm, appealing smile. It is told that his eyes, which were filled with an extraordinary brightness, devoured Cupid’s arrows, signifying the victory of divine love over human wants.

The second line praises Shiva’s powerful arms, each adorned with dazzling bracelets and brandishing a famous weapon—the trident, noose, deer, or bow. Shiva’s lotus-like feet, which are adored by sages and decorated with auspicious symbols, are the subject of the third stanza.

The fourth verse paints a comprehensive picture of Shiva’s celestial form, which includes the holy Ganges River, tiger skin, and Shiva’s eternal companion, Parvati. The last stanza honors the indescribable name of Shiva, a powerful mantra that has the power to end suffering, grant salvation, and be equivalent to giving countless cows as charity.

The Sri Maheswara Pancharatna Stotram literary beauty captivates the mind and takes it to a place of reverence and devotion. Every stanza is a beautifully composed work of art that vividly depicts Shiva’s sacred qualities. This aesthetic deepens and personalizes the spiritual experience, strengthening the bond with the divine.

In addition to its poetic beauty, the stotram conveys a powerful message. It praises Lord Shiva’s boundless might, kindness, and grace. Through meditation of these attributes, followers are driven to cultivate similar virtues within themselves. The stotram reveals the way to liberation and inner development, acting as a spiritual guide.

Importance and Advantages: The Sri Maheswara Pancharatna Stotram is said to have many advantages, such as:

  • Spiritual upliftment: Promotes tranquility and serenity while strengthening one’s devotion to Lord Shiva.
  • Elimination of hurdles: Assists in overcoming obstacles and hardships in life.
  • Granting wishes: This is thought of as a way to realize ambitions and desires.
  • Well-being and health: Encourages both mental and physical wellness.
  • In the end, salvation results in freedom from the cycle of birth and death

In the Hindu religion, the Sri Maheswara Pancharatna Stotram is a revered prayer that provides a profound means of encountering Lord Shiva’s mercy. Devotees across the world continue to be inspired by its potent message and poetic beauty.

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Sri Maheswara Pancharatna Stotram

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