Govinda Ashtakam – Unlock Divine Grace Through Devotion and Surrender

Govinda Ashtakam Lyrics

English Lyrics
हिंदी मंत्र
Govinda Ashtakam

Lyrics in English

Sathyam jnanam anantham nithyamanakasam paramakasam
Goshta prangana ringana lolam anayasam paramayasam ।
Maya kalpitha nanakara manakaram bhuvanakaram
Kshmama nadha manadham pranamatha govindam paramanandham ॥

Mruth sanamathsihethi yasodha thadana shaisava sam thrasam
Vyadhitha vakthralokitha lokaloka chathurdasa lokaleem ।
Loka thrayapura moola sthambham lokalokamanalokam
Lokesam paramesam pranamatha govindam paramanandham ॥

Trivishta paripuveeragnam kshithi bharagnam bhava rogagnam
Kaivalyam nava neethaa haara manaahaaram bhuvanaharam ।
Vaimalya sphuta chetho vruthi viseshabhaasa manabhasam
Saivam kevala shantham pranamatha govindam paramanandham ॥

Gopalam prabhu Leela vigraha gopalam Kula gopalam
Gopi khelana govardhana dhruthi leela laalitha gopalam ।
Gopir nigaditha govinda sphuta naamaanam bahunamanam
Gopi gochara dhooram pranamatha govindam paramanandham ॥

Gopi mandala goshtee bedham bhedavastha bhedhabham
Saswath gokhura nirdhathothkrutha dhooli dhoosara soubhagyam ।
Sradha bhakthi grahithananda chinthyam chinthida sadhbhavam
Chinthamani mahimanam pranamatha govindam paramanandham ॥

Snana vyakula yoshid vasthra mupadhayaga muparoodam
Vyadhitsantheeradha digvasthra dathumupakarshantham ta ।
Nirdhootha dhwaya shoka vimoham budham budheranthastham
Saththa mathra sareeram pranamatha govindam paramanandham ॥

Kantham karana karana madhi manadhim kala ghanabhasam
Kalindi gatha kaliya sirasi sunruthyantham muhuruthyantham ।
Kalam kalakalatheetham kalithasesham kalidoshaghnam
Kala thraya gathi hethum pranamatha govindam paramanandham ॥

Vrundavana bhuvi vrundharaka gana vrundharadhitha vandeham
Kundhabamala mandasmera sudhanandam suhrud anandam ।
Vandhya sesha maha muni manasa vandhyananda pada dwandwam
Vandhya sesha gunabdheem pranamatha govindam paramanandham ॥

Govindashtakamethad adheete govindarpitha chethaya
Govinda achyutha madhava vishno gokula nayaka krushnethi ।
Govindanghri saroja dhyana sudha jala dhoutha samasthagha
Govindam paramanandamrutham anthastham sa samabhyethi ॥

॥ Iti Shri Shankara Bhagavat Rachita Govinda Ashtakam Sampoornam ॥

हिंदी मंत्र

सत्यं ज्ञानमनन्तं नित्यमनाकाशं परमाकाशं
गोष्ठप्राङ्गणरिङ्खणलोलमनायासं परमायासम् ।
मायाकल्पितनानाकारमनाकारं भुवनाकारं
क्ष्मामानाथमनाथं प्रणमत गोविन्दं परमानन्दम् ॥

मृत्स्नामत्सीहेति यशोदाताडनशैशव सन्त्रासं
व्यदितवक्त्रालोकितलोकालोकचतुर्दशलोकालिम् ।
लोकत्रयपुरमूलस्तम्भं लोकालोकमनालोकं
लोकेशं परमेशं प्रणमत गोविन्दं परमानन्दम् ॥

त्रैविष्टपरिपुवीरघ्नं क्षितिभारघ्नं भवरोगघ्नं
कैवल्यं नवनीताहारमनाहारं भुवनाहारम् ।
शैवं केवलशान्तं प्रणमत गोविन्दं परमानन्दम् ॥

गोपालं प्रभुलीलाविग्रहगोपालं कुलगोपालं
गोपीखेलनगोवर्धनधृतिलीलालालितगोपालम् ।
गोभिर्निगदित गोविन्दस्फुतनामानं बहुनामानं
गोपीगोचरपथिकं प्रणमत गोविन्दं परमानन्दम् ॥

गोपीमण्डलगोष्ठिभेदं भेदावस्थमभेदाभं
शश्वद्गोखुरनिर्घूतोद्धतधूलीधूसरसौभाग्यम् ।
श्रद्धाभक्तिगृहीतानन्दमचिन्त्यं चिन्तितसद्भावं
चिन्तामणिमहिमानं प्रणमत गोविन्दं परमानन्दम् ॥

व्यादित्सन्तीरथ दिग्वस्त्रा दातुमुपाकर्षन्तं ताः ।
निर्धूतद्वयशोकविमोहं बुद्धं बुद्धेरन्तस्थं
सत्तामात्रशरीरं प्रणमत गोविन्दं परमानन्दम् ॥

कान्तं कारणकारणमादिमनादिं कालधनाभासम्
कालिन्दीगतकालियशिरसि सुनृत्यन्तम् मुहुरत्यन्तं ।
कालं कालकलातीतं कलिताशेषं कलिदोषघ्नं
कालत्रयगतिहेतुं प्रणमत गोविन्दं परमानन्दम् ॥

बृन्दावनभुवि बृन्दारकगणबृन्दाराधितवन्देहं
कुन्दाभामलमन्दस्मेरसुधानन्दं सुहृदानन्दम् ।
वन्द्याशेषगुणाब्धिं प्रणमत गोविन्दं परमानन्दम् ॥

गोविन्दाष्टकमेतदधीते गोविन्दार्पितचेता यः
गोविन्दाच्युत माधव विष्णो गोकुलनायक कृष्णेति ।
गोविन्दाङ्घ्रि सरोजध्यानसुधाजलधौतसमस्ताघः
गोविन्दं परमानन्दामृतम् अन्तःस्थं स तमभ्येति ॥

॥ इति श्रीमच्छङ्कराचार्यविरचितं श्रीगोविन्दाष्टकं सम्पूर्णम् ॥

About Govinda Ashtakam

The revered hymn Govinda Ashtakam was written by the renowned philosopher and saint Adi Shankaracharya. It is devoted to Govinda, another name for Lord Krishna. The hymn, known as Ashtakam, is composed of eight verses that glorify the qualities, deeds, and essence of Lord Krishna. A stunning representation of surrender, devotion, and the abiding love that followers have for Krishna is seen in the GovindaAshtakam.

The primary focus of Govind Ashtakam is the glorification of Krishna’s celestial qualities and the close relationship that followers have with him. The first line of the hymn acknowledges Krishna as the ultimate refuge for all creatures, emphasizing his roles as the conqueror of evil and the defender of the righteous. According to legend, he is the beloved of the Gopis, the cowherd maidens of Vrindavan, who are enchanted by his flute’s lovely music and heavenly presence.

The Govinda Ashtakam celebrates Krishna’s loving and playful personality, known as his Leelas, and describes him as a lovely cowherd who fills his devotees’ hearts with joy and bliss. His celestial figure is shown as captivating and awe-inspiring, producing a strong sense of devotion and longing in the devotee. He is decorated with a peacock plume and is dressed in yellow robes.

Krishna’s role as the universe’s sustainer and the embodiment of unchanging truth is further emphasized in Govinda Ashtakam. He is acknowledged as the all-pervading, omnipresent divine force that maintains the universe’s equilibrium. The hymn further emphasizes the concept that Krishna is the fundamental reality underlying all creation, in addition to being his devotees’ protector.

The emphasis on Krishna’s kindness and compassion in Govinda Ashtakam is a further significant aspect. Krishna is portrayed in the hymn as the ocean of mercy, freeing his followers from the cycle of life and death. In order to achieve freedom (Moksha) from the material world and everlasting connection with the divine, the devotee prays for Krishna’s grace.

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Also Chant: Sri Maheswara Pancharatna
Govinda Ashtakam

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