Gowri Dasakam – Unlock the Hidden Power of Divine Wisdom and Strength

Gowri Dasakam Lyrics

English Lyrics
हिंदी मंत्र
Gowri Dasakam

Lyrics in English

Lokaatitair yogibhir antash chiramrgyaam ।
Gaurim ambaam amburuhaakshim aham ide ॥

Pratyaahaara-dhyaana-samaadhi sthitibhaajaam
Nitiyam chitte nirvritikaasthaam kalayantim।
Satyajnaanaandamayim taam tanurupaam
Gaurim ambaam amburuhaakshim aham ide ॥

Chandraapidaalamkrita-nilaalakabhaaraam ।
Gaurim ambaam amburuhaakshim aham ide ॥

Adikshaantaam aksharamurtyaa vilasantim
Bhuthe bhuthe bhuthakadamba-prasavitrim ।
Sabdabrahmaanandamayim taam tatidaabhaam
Gaurim ambaam amburuhaakshim aham ide ॥

Mulaadhaaraad-utthitavithyaa Vidhirandhram
Sauram caandram vyaapya vihaarajvalitaangim ।
Yeyam sukshmaat sukshmatanus taam sukharupaam
Gaurim ambaam amburuhaakshim aham ide ॥

Nityah shuddho nishkala eko jagadishah
Saakshi yasyaah sargavidhau samharane cha ।
Vishvatraana-kridanalolaam Siva patnim
Gaurim ambaam amburuhaakshim aham ide ॥

Yasyaah kukshau linam akhandam jagadandam
Bhuyo bhuyah praadurobhud-utthitameva ।
Patyaa saardham taam rajataadrau Viharantim
Gaurim ambaam amburuhaakshim aham ide ॥

Yasyaam otam protam ashesham manimaalaa
Sutre yadvat kvaapi charam chaapyacharam cha ।
Taam adhyaatma-jnaanapadavyaa gamaniyaam
Gaurim ambaam amburuhaakshim aham ide ॥

Naanaakaaraih shaktikadambai bhuvanaani
Vyaapya svairam kridati yeyam svayamekaa ।
Kalyaanim taam kalpalataam aanatibhaajaam
Gaurim ambaam amburuhaakshim aham ide ॥

Aashaapaashakleshavinaasaam Vidadhaanaam
Paadaambhoja-dhyaanaparaanaam purushaanaam ।
Ishaam ishaardhaangaharaam taam abhiraamaam
Gaurim ambaam amburuhaakshim aham ide ॥

Praatahkaale bhaavavishuddhah pranidhaanaat
Bhaktyaa nityam jalpati Gauri dashakam yah ।
Vaachaam siddhim sampadam agryaam shiva bhatkim
Gaurim ambaam amburuhaakshim aham ide ॥

॥ Iti Shri Shankara Bhagavat Kritou Gowri Dasakam Sampoornam ॥

हिंदी मंत्र

॥ श्रीः ॥

लोकातीतैर्योगिभिरन्तश्चिरमृग्याम् ।
गौरीममम्बामम्बुरुहाक्षीमहमीडे ॥

नित्यं चित्ते निर्वृतिकाष्ठां कलयन्तीम् ।
सत्यज्ञानानन्दमयीं तां तनुरूपां
गौरीमम्बामम्बुरुहाक्षीमहमीडे ॥

चन्द्रापीडालंकृतनीलालकभाराम् ।
गौरीममम्बामम्बुरुहाक्षीमहमीडे ॥

आदिक्षान्तामक्षरमूर्त्या विलसन्तीं
भूते भूते भूतकदम्बप्रसवित्रीम् ।
शब्दब्रह्मानन्दमयीं तां तटिदाभां
गौरीममम्बामम्बुरुहाक्षीमहमीडे ॥

मूलाधारादुत्थितवीथ्या विधिरन्ध्रं
सौरं चान्द्रं व्याप्य विहारज्वलिताङ्गीम् ।
येयं सूक्ष्मात्सूक्ष्मतनुस्तां सुखरूपां
गौरीममम्बामम्बुरुहाक्षीमहमीडे ॥

नित्यः शुद्धो निष्कल एको जगदीशः
साक्षी यस्याः सर्गविधौ संहरणे च ।
विश्वत्राणक्रीडनलोलां शिवपत्नीं
गौरीममम्बामम्बुरुहाक्षीमहमीडे ॥

यस्याः कुक्षौ लीनमखण्डं जगदण्डं
भूयो भूयः प्रादुरभूदुत्थितमेव ।
पत्या सार्धं तां रजताद्रौ विहरन्तीं
गौरीममम्बामम्बुरुहाक्षीमहमीडे ॥

यस्यामोतं प्रोतमशेषं मणिमाला-
सूत्रे यद्वत्क्कापि चरं चाप्यचरं च ।
तामध्यात्मज्ञानपदव्या गमनीयां
गौरीममम्बामम्बुरुहाक्षीमहमीडे ॥

नानाकारैः शक्तिकदम्बैर्भुवनानि
व्याप्य स्वैरं क्रीडति येयं स्वयमेका ।
कल्याणीं तां कल्पलतामानतिभाजां
गौरीममम्बामम्बुरुहाक्षीमहमीडे ॥

आशापाशक्लेशविनाशं विदधानां
पादाम्भोजध्यानपराणां पुरुषाणाम् ।
ईशामीशार्धाङ्गहरां तामभिरामां
गौरीममम्बामम्बुरुहाक्षीमहमीडे ॥

प्रातःकाले भावविशुद्धः प्रणिधाना-
द्भक्त्या नित्यं जल्पति गौरिदशकं यः ।
वाचां सिद्धिं सम्पदमग्र्यां शिवभक्तिं
तस्यावश्यं पर्वतपुत्री विदधाति ॥

॥ इति श्री शंकरभगवतः कृतौ गौरीदशकम् सम्पूर्णम् ॥

About Gowri Dasakam

Adi Shankaracharya composed the devotional hymn Gowri Dasakam, which is devoted to Goddess Parvati, also referred to as Gowri. This ten-verse hymn seeks the grace, knowledge, and protection of the divine mother. Deep admiration, dedication, and a longing for spiritual advancement are all reflected in the verses.

Verse 1: The devotee begins by praying to Goddess Gowri, Lord Shiva’s wife, who is described as the mother of all beings and the epitome of purity. This verse in Gowri Dasakam highlights the importance of surrendering yourself over to the heavenly mother, who calms all anxieties and brings peace.

Verse 2: The goddess is praised in this passage for being the origin of all virtues and the destruction of every evil. She is portrayed as the one who fills her followers’ hearts with joy and bestows favors upon them. The worshipper requests her to shower real wisdom and to take away ignorance.

Verse 3: Goddess Gowri is portrayed in the third stanza as the all-powerful being in charge of the cosmos and its constituent elements. She is the force that both preserves life and crushes evil. The follower requests her to guide them down the straight and narrow road and to keep them safe from harm.

Verse 4: The devotee honors the goddess in this verse as the universe’s mother, providing unending love to all living things. She is portrayed as the one who grants her followers’ wishes and lessens their suffering. The worshipper asks for her kindness and compassion.

Verse 5: The goddess’ role as a provider of spiritual insight and understanding is emphasized in this verse of Gowri Dasakam. To break free from the cycle of birth and death and achieve liberation, the devotee seeks her blessings. The verse also emphasizes the significance of surrendering to the divine mother and showing devotion.

Verse 6: Here, the devotee praises the goddess’ beauty and draws comparisons between her and other celestial bodies, such as the moon. The verse expresses the devotee’s abiding love and devotion for the holy mother and their need for her forgiveness in order to cleanse their heart and spirit.

Verse 7: Goddess Gowri is referred to in the seventh stanza as the remover of all barriers and the giver of all blessings. The devotee seeks for Goddess’s blessings so that she can succeed in all of her activities and live an ethical existence.

Verse 8: The goddess is portrayed in this stanza as the source of all wealth and the embodiment of all virtues. The devotee prays for her direction in living a life of dharma (righteousness) and asks for her blessings for both material and spiritual prosperity.

Verse 9: The goddess is honored in the ninth stanza for providing her devotees with the strength and courage they need to overcome life’s obstacles. The devotee asks that she lead them through all challenges and be there for them always.

Verse 10: The devotee gives all to Goddess Gowri in the final verse, pleading with her for her blessings to break free from the cycle of birth and death. The passage highlights the significance of the goddess’ grace in accomplishing the ultimate objective of human life, which is unity with the divine.

Gowri Dasakam is more than just a hymn; it is a spiritual path that leads the devotee to Goddess Gowri’s heavenly embrace. Each verse brings one step closer to the goddess’ boundless protection, compassion, and wisdom. Through chanting and contemplation of these 10 potent verses, one might attain inner purification, mental clarity, and comfort from the omnipresent grace of the heavenly mother.

The Gowri Dasakam reminds us that true power, peace, and wealth come from the goddess’ blessings and constant devotion. An abode of divine love and a route to spiritual liberation, Gowri Dasakam provides solace in an uncertain and challenging world.

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Gowri Dasakam

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